Adrenaline highs are close by: we're a launch pad into Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, a mile away. Napa is just 30 minutes from us – head for the rolling vineyards and Oxbow Public Market. Closer to home, catch the ferry to see the San Francisco Giants play at Oracle Park. Gateway Plaza shops and dining are five minutes from our door. Breakfast and WiFi are on us. You're in for a treat at this spacious Vallejo hotel where the best the Golden State has to offer is right outside your door. Six Flags® Discovery Kingdom is our neighbor, which means that you simply have to stroll across the street for a day full of fun. Want something a little more laid back? Napa Valley is also nearby, so an afternoon of wine tasting is an absolute must. This Vallejo hotel is only 15 minutes away from Napa Valley, so a cab ride is an easy choice. We're the best hotel in Vallejo for adventure seekers. The heated outdoor pool and hot tub is open year round for a little relaxation after a day of exploration. Free parking and free shuttle service to Six Flags® Discovery Kingdom are just a couple of the ways guests are treated like family. No other Vallejo hotel can compare. If you're interested in something a little different, you're in luck. Our Vallejo hotel is near several dog shows at Solano County Fairgrounds and the Jelly Belly® Factory. This is one unusual match that really works. Speed lovers delight at the NASCAR® and Indy Grand Prix at Infineon Raceway. Of course, sometimes you're traveling on business. Maybe you're taking your high school senior to check out Touro University. Maybe you're in town with Valero® Oil Refinery, Chevron Oil Refinery, or have business to take care of on Mare Island. Maybe you need to host a business meeting or event in our convenient business room. There's no reason you can't fully enjoy your stay just because you're punching the clock or writing tuition checks. Enjoy a full breakfast before starting your day - it's on us. Book a spacious room at BEST WESTERN Inn & Suites at Discovery Kingdom for an absolutely wonderful vacation!
Disclaimer: The image shown is for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual hotel room. The room layout, furniture, amenities, and view may vary depending on the availability and location of the hotel.
“Rooms very spacious and has the essentials. Pool area is very nice and relaxing. The breakfast is great had a nice variety. Coffee in the lobby 24/7. Nice little walk to Six Flags not too far and close enough to save on parking.”
— Sean Edwards
“Great weekend stay. The pool was fun and outdoor furniture was comfortable. The breakfast was good and had something for everyone. The beds and rooms were comfortable. Debbie was great and made our morning brighter by welcoming us to breakfast and also helping get the pool open at 9am so the kids could swim before we left. Abandoned building next door looks weird but everything seems secure and safe.”
— Brook Fuller
Customers review
Overall Wonderful, 4.5
Cleanliness 4.7
Comfort 4.6
Neighborhood 4.1
Amenities 4.5
Condition 4.6
Recomendation 100%
bofos Rodriguez
Aug 18, 2022
Oz Jauregui
Aug 11, 2022
Chegamos na terça-feira, 2 de agosto e Pearl fez um ótimo trabalho de acomodações para um check-in antecipado. China & Debbie fizeram um trabalho incrível com o café da manhã. Os quartos eram limpos e as camas eram confortáveis. A piscina precisava ser limpa porque havia pequenos pedaços de cabelo flutuando na água. Não houve problemas no estacionamento e nós apreciamos o estacionamento de cortesia, wifi, café da manhã. A equipe de limpeza e limpeza da casa trabalhou incansavelmente para tornar a nossa estadia agradável. Ter 2 lavadoras e secadoras também ajudou.
Oz Jauregui
Aug 05, 2022
We arrived on Tuesday, August 2 and Pearl did a great job of accommodations for an early check-in. China & Debbie did an awesome job with the breakfast. The rooms were clean and beds were comfortable. Pool needed to be cleaned because there was small clumps of hair floating in the water. There were no issues in the parking lot and we enjoyed the complimentary parking, wifi, breakfast. Custodial and house cleaning staff worked tirelessly to make our stay pleasant. Having 2 washers & dryers also helped.
R. Cortes
Aug 04, 2022
I reserved 4 rooms, 1 of them needing to be handicap accessible. I called the morning that we were checking in and the clerk confirmed that there was a handicap room noted in the reservation. When we arrived, there was no handicap accessible room reserved for us! I had two people in wheelchairs that could not shower and had a hard time moving around in the room without assistance on day 1. After a 10hr drive all they wanted to do was shower and rest. They attempted to fix the issue on day 2. We had purchased tickets to the nearby theme park, on day 2 they let me know that a handicap room would be ready after 11am. We packed up our room and went downstairs and we’re told that they didn’t have the room they thought would be ready and were going to move us to another room on the first floor, the problem was that it looked identical to the other room we had just left. The clerk told us she didn’t have any handicap rooms and thought the first floor would be okay. The new room was going to do us no good. They searched for another room that was handicap accessible. They finally found one at 4pm. We waited around for 5 hours before we could finally enjoy ourselves at the theme park. Half of our day was wasted waiting around in the other rooms and in the lobby. I had frustrated adults and cranky children during the wait. I should add that I was comped 1 night for the incorrect room on day 1. I paid over $500 for theme park tickets and we only got to enjoy the park for less than 6 hours. Too expensive to try to go back (for another $500+) to the park the next day. Not including that we’d have cars full of belongings because we were headed home. The other rooms were great. The staff was friendly. We had to go down and get our extra towels because they didn’t have any room service staff on hand (4th of July weekend). Overall, if you’re NOT traveling with family/friends with special needs this place is good. If you have special needs people with you, I would advise looking for a different place.
Heather Crawford
Aug 03, 2022
Clean well kept hotel. All the staff no matter which shift were friendly and accommodating! We stayed 5 nights with several rooms. The breakfast has many options and was good. Would stay again.
DJ Blair
Jul 28, 2022
O hotel em si é lindo e limpo. O quarto era limpo e confortável. A equipe foi incrível - muito profissional e amigável! O café da manhã e a equipe da cozinha foram ótimos!A localização do hotel, o estacionamento e a área ao redor do hotel foram as principais desvantagens do hotel. Ele está situado ao lado de um prédio abandonado e pessoas que moram nos estacionamentos ao lado do hotel que gritavam conosco sempre que saíamos do estacionamento. Não nos sentimos seguros deixando nosso carro estacionado no estacionamento sem vigilância ou caminhando para o nosso veículo para recuperar qualquer coisa e nos sentimos em perigo ao entrar no hotel após o anoitecer por causa disso. O estacionamento é pequeno e há placas dizendo “a polícia pode ter carros de isca no estacionamento” - então, obviamente, houve problemas com carros sendo arrombados e / ou roubados. Gostaria que houvesse segurança ou estacionamento melhor e nenhum prédio abandonado ao lado. Seria um ótimo lugar se não fosse por isso!!! Além disso, não há lugares de comida por perto (um shopping abandonado inteiro fica ao lado do hotel com pessoas de cócoras e bebendo e até nada de bom nele (gritando conosco enquanto saíamos para procurar um restaurante e nos fazendo sentir inseguros). não fosse pela área em que fica, seria uma classificação de 5 estrelas, com certeza!
DJ Blair
Jul 28, 2022
El hotel en sí es encantador y limpio. La habitación estaba limpia y cómoda. El personal fue increíble, muy profesional y amable. El desayuno y el personal de cocina fueron geniales!La ubicación del hotel, el estacionamiento y el área que rodea el hotel fueron los principales inconvenientes del hotel. Está situado al lado de un edificio abandonado y las personas que viven en los estacionamientos al lado del hotel nos gritaban cada vez que salíamos del estacionamiento. No nos sentimos seguros dejando nuestro automóvil estacionado en el estacionamiento desatendido o caminando hacia nuestro vehículo para recuperar algo y nos sentimos en peligro al entrar al hotel después del anochecer debido a esto. El estacionamiento es pequeño y hay letreros que dicen "la policía podría tener autos de cebo en el estacionamiento", por lo que, obviamente, ha habido problemas con los autos que fueron forzados y / o robados. Ojalá hubiera seguridad o mejor estacionamiento y ningún edificio abandonado al lado. ¡Sería un gran lugar si no fuera por eso! Además, no hay lugares de comida cerca (un centro comercial completamente abandonado se encuentra al lado del hotel con personas en cuclillas y bebiendo y haciendo nada bueno (gritándonos mientras salíamos a buscar un restaurante y haciéndonos sentir inseguros). Si no fuera por el área en la que se encuentra, sería una calificación de 5 estrellas más, en todos los sentidos, ¡seguro!
DJ Blair
Jul 25, 2022
The hotel itself is lovely and clean. The room was clean and comfortable. The staff was awesome - very professional and friendly! The breakfast and kitchen staff were great!
The location of the hotel, the parking lot and area surrounding the hotel were the major drawbacks to the hotel. It is situated next to an abandoned building and people living in the parking lots next to the hotel who would yell at us whenever we drove out of the lot. We did not feel safe leaving our car parked in the lot unattended or walking to our vehicle to retrieve anything and felt in danger walking into the hotel after dark because of this. The parking lot is small and there are signs saying “police might have bait cars in the lot” - so obviously, there have been issues with cars being broke into and/or stolen. Wish there was security or better parking and no abandoned building next door. Would be a great place if it weren’t for that!!! Also, no food places close by (a whole abandoned strip mall sits next to hotel with people squatting and drinking and up to no good in it (yelling at us as we drove out to look for a restaurant and making us feel unsafe). If it weren’t for the area it sits in it would be a 5 plus star rating, all the way around, for sure!
Jul 18, 2022
Este é um hotel incrível. Staffs, instalações, localização são excelentes. Uma das melhores coisas sobre este hotel é o fácil acesso ao Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. Nosso quarto é muito limpo e grande. Meus filhos adoram o café da manhã quente e a piscina.
Jul 08, 2022
This is an amazing hotel. Staffs, facilities, location are all excellent. One of the best things about this hotel is the easy access to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. Our room is very clean and big. My kids love the hot breakfast and swimming pool.
Brook Fuller
Jun 18, 2022
Ótima estadia de fim de semana. A piscina era divertida e os móveis ao ar livre eram confortáveis. O café da manhã era bom e tinha algo para todos. As camas e os quartos eram confortáveis. Debbie foi ótima e tornou nossa manhã mais brilhante ao nos receber no café da manhã e também ajudar a abrir a piscina às 9h para que as crianças pudessem nadar antes de sairmos. O prédio abandonado ao lado parece estranho, mas tudo parece seguro e seguro.
Aleesa Parsons
Jun 18, 2022
Ótima estadia! Os quartos e hotel eram muito limpos. O café da manhã foi excelente. Adoramos a área da piscina! A piscina foi mantida a uma boa temperatura e toda a área da piscina foi muito bem feito com muitos lugares (cabanas, cadeiras, espreguiçadeiras, etc) e mantidos limpos. Este é um ótimo lugar para famílias.
Sean Edwards
Jun 18, 2022
Quartos muito espaçosos e com o essencial. A área da piscina é muito agradável e relaxante. O café da manhã é ótimo tinha uma boa variedade. Café no lobby 24/7. Pequena caminhada agradável para Six Flags não muito longe e perto o suficiente para economizar no estacionamento.
Ed Schulte
Jun 18, 2022
Tudo foi legal! Quarto era grande, limpo e tinha todas as comodidades! Piscina e ofurô são bons e bem cuidados. O café da manhã era como se eu estivesse em um restaurante elegante. Até a seleção de café foi ótima! ! Eu recomendo este hotel! Pearl foi muito útil no check-in!
Brook Fuller
Jun 18, 2022
Gran estancia de fin de semana. La piscina era divertida y los muebles de exterior eran cómodos. El desayuno era bueno y tenía algo para todos. Las camas y las habitaciones eran cómodas. Debbie fue genial e hizo que nuestra mañana fuera más brillante al darnos la bienvenida al desayuno y también ayudar a abrir la piscina a las 9 am para que los niños pudieran nadar antes de que nos fuéramos. El edificio abandonado de al lado se ve raro, pero todo parece seguro.
Aleesa Parsons
Jun 18, 2022
Great stay! The rooms and hotel were very clean. The breakfast was excellent. We loved the pool area! The pool was kept at a good temperature and the whole pool area was very nicely done with lots of seating (cabanas, chairs, loungers, etc) and kept clean. This is a great place for families.
Sean Edwards
Jun 18, 2022
Rooms very spacious and has the essentials.Pool area is very nice and relaxing. The breakfast is great had a nice variety. Coffee in the lobby 24/7. Nice little walk to Six Flags not too far and close enough to save on parking.
Ed Schulte
Jun 18, 2022
Everything was nice! Room was big, clean and had all the amenities! Pool and hot tub are nice and well maintained. Breakfast was like I was at a classy restaurant. Even the coffee selection was great!! I highly recommend this hotel! Pearl was very helpful checking in!
Sean Edwards
Jun 08, 2022
Rooms very spacious and has the essentials. Pool area is very nice and relaxing. The breakfast is great had a nice variety. Coffee in the lobby 24/7. Nice little walk to Six Flags not too far and close enough to save on parking.
Aleesa Parsons
May 27, 2022
Great stay! The rooms and hotel were very clean. The breakfast was excellent. We loved the pool area! The pool was kept at a good temperature and the whole pool area was very nicely done with lots of seating (cabanas, chairs, loungers, etc) and kept clean. This is a great place for families.
Brook Fuller
May 23, 2022
Great weekend stay. The pool was fun and outdoor furniture was comfortable. The breakfast was good and had something for everyone. The beds and rooms were comfortable. Debbie was great and made our morning brighter by welcoming us to breakfast and also helping get the pool open at 9am so the kids could swim before we left. Abandoned building next door looks weird but everything seems secure and safe.
Jorge Diaz
Aug 18, 2020
Lindo hotel
Xiomara Cespedes
Aug 18, 2020
Muy lindo y limpio! Buen desayuno! Recomendado!
Jose Urena
Aug 18, 2017
Muy limpio, tranquilo y ordenado. Su desayuno continentalmuy a punto, buen gusto!
Jesús Farrera Grajales
Aug 18, 2017
Buenas. Limpias y economicas habitaciones. Alberca y jacuzzi
Rafael Navarro
Aug 18, 2017
El desayuno deja muchoque desear! No hay huesos, ni salchichas.Solocereal,Leche,jugos. Los cuartos y el personal si son muy buenos.
Carlos Rodríguez
Aug 18, 2016
Muy bien ubicado para ir al Six Flags, tiene refrigeradora y microondas
Standard M6 Value, Dont Believe the WIFI Though
Perfect for cheap bed next to 6Flags. Bare basics as expected. They are selling the price more than anything. BUT, M6 seems to have signed a WIFI provider for allot of locations and their service is...
Barry B
Inn of Excuses!
Used to be a Best Western. Itâs not anymore for a reason. Front desk cluelessâ zero hospitality. Breakfast supposed to be until 9:00 amâ most everything put away at 8:35. Front desk just lame...
3rd visit. Hotel being renovated but no problems for guests.
Great location close to Six Flags. Rooms/suites are spacious with fridge, microwave and sink. Room was clean and quiet. Make sure room is away from freeway. Includes a FREE breakfast. Hot meats and...